A Chance to Learn More About Us

Our dedication to mental health

Tranquility Gardens is a sanctuary for those looking to connect with themselves. In a world that is busy, and often pulling us in every direction, we wanted to create a space for individuals looking to escape the distractions. This is a safe place for people needing to take a deep breath and connect with what’s important to you. Enjoy your time here with a walk through nature, a peaceful rest by the lakes, or simply enjoying your time in the cabins. We want to be the place you associate with rest and relaxation. 

Tranquility Gardens began with mental health and relaxation at the forefront. Eventually, we plan to have a fully staffed mental health retreat to help individuals needing a safe place. Currently we’re renting out our 3 cabins to help support this dream. Mental health is important, and we want to offer the resources to help people recover and rejoin society in a healthier capacity. We understand that sometimes you need to escape to truly find yourself. Let us be the place you escape to. 


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Tranquility Gardens

Escape to Find Yourself


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